Thyroid Balance Package

Our Thyroid Balance Package is an individualized 4-month program dedicated to laying the groundwork for a healthy thyroid.

This package is put together to jump-start your thyroid towards balance. Whether you are someone who is already on a prescription medication for low thyroid levels and looking for support or guidance; or, are someone who has been told you have autoimmune thyroid antibodies present but not given any additional guidance; or, are experiencing low thyroid symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, brain fog, hair loss, anxiety, fertility challenges, and constipation - this package is meant for you. We look at your body holistically, addressing many of the root causes for thyroid levels to become imbalanced in the first place. This includes addressing inflammation, gut integrity, environmental toxicity as part of a full body and focused thyroid work up.

If you’ve ever wanted your practitioner to really listen to the reasons you are coming in for; ask you all the relevant questions; to deeply get to know you and your health as a whole; and advise you going forward on how best to heal at a root level, then you are in the right place.

The Thyroid Balance Package includes:

  • 5 or 6 one-on-one phone sessions with Laurie Terzo, DAOM, L.Ac., FABORM and/or a Health Coach

Session 1 -An Initial Intake Session with Laurie (up to 60-minutes, by phone)

This initial intake session and review of your health history allows a thorough understanding of your current and past health. With this essential in-depth exploration, she will be able to learn how to best help you heal and reach your health goals.

During this initial session, Laurie will:

  1. Review your medical history and current complaints

  2. Review your lifestyle - including exercise habits, occupation and work habits, family and community

  3. Review your diet and nutritional intake

  4. Review any current supplements, herbs, vitamins, medication

  5. Review your health goals

Session 2 - Report of Findings and Personalized Wellness Plan with Laurie (up to 90-minutes, by phone) - After completing the initial consultation appointment, Laurie will review all received medical records, intake forms, labs, and any relevant current research pertaining to what you are coming in for. She will then create a Report of Findings and a Personalized Wellness Plan to follow over the next 3-4 months. The Report of Findings lists areas of health that may not be in optimal range, either based on functional lab ranges or questionnaire tools. The Personalized Wellness Plan focuses on optimizing all systems of your body, but in particular the thyroid. We us botanical and supplement recommendations, nutrition/diet therapies, lifestyle advice, and lab recommendations.

Session 3Wellness Plan Check-In with Laurie or *Health Coach (30 to 45-minutes, by phone) - This is a phone check-in appointment to assess if any changes or additions (*including ordering and reviewing additional labs) are needed to the original treatment plan. We look at what is working and what is not working in the Wellness Plan and create strategies for addressing these things. Guidance is also given on food elimination and re-introduction, if applicable.

Session 4 - Wellness Plan Check-In with Laurie or *Health Coach (30 to 45-minutes, by phone) - This is a phone check-in appointment to assess if any changes or additions (*including ordering and reviewing additional labs) are needed to the original treatment plan. We look at what is working and what is not working in the Wellness Plan and create strategies for addressing these things. Guidance is also given on food elimination and re-introduction, if applicable.

*For sessions 3-4, appointments with our Health Coach are really helpful with the implementation part of the wellness plan -encouragement, accountability, practical tips and suggestions, etc. The Health Coach does not order/analyze tests or prescribe the main supplement/herbal protocol. Sessions with Laurie are best used to discuss changing treatment protocols or ordering and analysis of labwork. If you are unsure as to whether a session with our health coach or Laurie would be best, just ask us!

Session 5 - Wellness Plan Check-In with Laurie (30 to 45-minutes, by phone) - This is a check-in appointment to assess if any changes or additions (*including ordering and reviewing additional labs) are needed to the original treatment plan. We also go over things which may be optimizing or impeding your health goals in more detail. We look at what is working and what is not working in the Wellness Plan and create strategies for addressing these things. Guidance is also given on food elimination and re-introduction, if applicable. Recommendations on any follow up labs are made at this point so that we can review in Session 5.

Session 6 - Check-In and New Wellness Plan with Laurie (up to 90-minutes, by phone) - This session is done at the end of our 3-4 months of working together. A new individualized Wellness Plan is created and discussed, with next steps for your thyroid health mapped out. We also review and analyze any follow-up labwork or testing done.

  • An initial extensive blood chemistry Wellness Profile panel** which gives us a snapshot of where your health is at and screens for many conditions, including different types of anemia; acute or chronic viral and bacterial infections; blood sugar regulation issues; liver and kidney issues; and thyroid and adrenal problems. Results of this test give us clues with where to focus your treatment and is used as a marker to track your progress. **Each Wellness Profile panel is over $300 worth of extensive blood tests. **Any additional testing recommended is not included in the package price.

  • Guidance on a food elimination or detoxification protocol that is right for your body, if indicated. (If botanicals or nutritional supplements for this protocol are recommended, they are not included in the price of the package and are an additional fee.)

  • 15% discount on all high grade professional supplements ordered through our patient portal supplement store.

  • Email question access with Laurie for 4 months (Laurie answers email questions within 48 hours, M-F only).

Laurie usually spends about 3-5 hours of preparation time for each client enrolled in a package. This includes time spent preparing a specialized treatment plan and protocol, reviewing current research for the chief complaint, and reviewing a person’s previous treatments/health history thoroughly. With each person, she researches evidence based protocols on the issues you are coming in for and deeply thinks about your case. She looks at each person as a personal case study, where she delves into all of the details so that the issues you are looking for help with can be resolved at the root level. When the root level is addressed as opposed to just giving someone a band-aid treatment, the real healing in the body takes place and lasting results happen.

If you are interested in elevating your health goals to a new level, please book an appointment below.

Price of the Thyroid Balance Package: $1995 (5-package)/$2295 (6-package) if paid in full on or before the first date of service or 4 monthly payments of $549/$639.