The Cortisol-Hormone Connection & How to Naturally Balance It
Stress is everywhere these days. We feel it when we wake up, when things happen during the day, and we even take it to bed with us.
It’s chronic. And it’s not awesome for your health.
When we’re stressed our body reacts in a couple of ways, one is by releasing the stress hormone cortisol. This can have a major effect on our sex hormones and even put a wrench in our ability to conceive.
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Coffee - Who can drink it and who should avoid it? Part 2
So, should you drink coffee or not if you’re a woman?
Before I talk about what coffee may do to female hormones and fertility, let’s talk about the potential toxicity of ingesting coffee.
Coffee crops are very heavily sprayed with pesticides. There is clear harm to not only the environment but to the farm workers where these crops are grown. But how about harm to our bodies from drinking it?
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Coffee - Who can drink it and who should avoid it? Part 1
Coffee is healthy. Coffee is not healthy. Drink it. Avoid it. Why all the confusion?
If you want to know whether you should drink coffee or avoid it, today’s post is for you. Coffee affects different people differently. It has some health benefits, but there are people who should avoid it.
Is this you? What should you consider before your next cuppa joe? Oh, the suspense!
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Sugar and Hormones, the Sweet Crash
We’ve all heard that sugar isn’t good for us. And we know we should keep the bakery sweets to a minimum. Sugar is a big contributor to inflammation in the body. And especially for women, this type of inflammation can manifest as hormonal imbalances, among many other things.
But really, what is the issue with sugar? And is there a problem with fruit sugar? Or vegetable sugar?
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